Published on 10/30/2018 11:01 am

Let’s face it, people usually do not enter a legally binding lease with the intention of breaking it. Sometimes life deals us challenges that conflicts with our current lease. Whether its job related, family or health issues. There is a plethora of situations that can arise that will have you asking the question, ‘How can I break my lease’.

Read your lease

Some leases provide an opt-out clause. You should review your lease carefully because you may already have an option spelled out for you.


If your lease doesn’t provide an adequate opt-out option, check with the property manager or owner about sub-leasing the property. If the owner or landlord agree, keep in mind that (in most cases) you are still responsible for the remaining of the lease terms. Having a qualified tenant can be a win win for both you and the property manager.

Be Nice

If you have been a great tenant, ask the landlord about marketing the property to find another tenant. When one is found, then you can terminate

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Published on 10/30/2018 10:33 am

In order to fill your vacancies, you first need to know what renters want. That list can vary widely based on the type of rental property you have. Renters moving into an apartment will have different ‘wants’ then those moving into a single-family home.

Longer Term Renters

For those who are longer term renters, they may want to be near school or work, coffee shops, restaurants, work out facilities, parks etc.

Job Renters

If your renters are relocating (even temporarily) for work, they may have different wants. For example, in addition to the long-term renters wants, they may also want to be close to an airport and transportation services.

Depending on the area of your properties, you may want to include information about some of these ‘wants’ in your advertising copy. For example, if you are close to an airport but have not thought about corporate leases, include the fact that airports are just 10 minutes away.

Furnished Properties

Furnishing your properties can be a very lucrative option

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